Friday, December 9, 2011

Redistricting Problems in Texas

In this article Supreme Court Freezes Texas Elections. The supreme court is freezing the texas elections  because it seems that the districting is flawed and skewed to give us different reuslts. The courts demanded to have a oral argument ready Jan 9th. The court is making sure the Voting Rights' Act is protecting the interests of minority voters and for some reason they said " particularly the Hispanics what about African Americans and the other races? they said protecting the rights of the minority, hispanics make up about 37% and all the other races combined make up about 20% excluding whites. they should have pointed out particularly Hispanics because if it were truly represented they would have left the part where it said particularly Hispanics.
They said they want to change the district lines in Texas but that is too late there already has been money sent to different districts to build bigger buildings for school for example Round Rock High school has people leaving there school because of the new district lines drawn and then the court system would have to make them move again? Parents purposely moved to a certain district for their child to stick with their friends. District lines have been drawn and money sent to build these buildings like for example RRHS has a new 3000 building and has all these changes been done to it because of new district lines. If they redraw the district lines again, people would have gained money and lost money for the wrong reasons.  


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